Chipolo CARD Bluetooth Item Finder - White 2 Pack CH-C17B-2-WE-R

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Let Chipolo CARD keep an eye on your wallet and never worry about it again. Use the Chipolo app to ring your misplaced wallet or double click on Chipolo to find your phone. Get a notification from the app if you leave your wallet behind. When it├óÔé¼Ôäós not around to ring it, you can always check the app to see when and where you last had it with you. Chipolo CARD is as thin as two credit cards, which makes it fit your wallet perfectly. But you can also slip it into your passport pouch or attach it to the remote control. The app offers a smart set of features that are available with no additional subscriptions. Chipolo CARD is perfect for people who often misplace their items or leave them behind. Chipolo's item finders will give you peace of mind and save precious minutes when you can't find the one thing you need to take with you.
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Usually shipped within 3-5 working days
Usually delivered within 5-7 working days
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